In the late evening, monitor the alarm 220 pulses. The resuscitation team was intimated and meanwhile started CPR. Within a minute, the 84-year young lady was on normal sinus rhythm. After a few minutes, repeat with a high pulse.  Once again, the resuscitation team was informed and started with CPR. She did not come in a sinus rhythm. Cardiologist came with a mobile ultrasound machine and examined for any fluids. We three were continuously given chest compressions.

After half an hour, we were tired. My colleague told me to bring LUCAS from the intensive station at this time. Who is Lucas? What is that? Immediately I ran to the intensive station and asked for LUCAS. She showed a square-shaped bag like a bag pack. I tried to lift it with one hand. It was very a bit heavy. I could not able to stop these questions What is this? Why do we need this? Why is it called LUCAS?

LUCAS is a machine fixed on the patient’s chest to do mechanical chest compressions. The resuscitation team member set this machine on the patient’s chest, and it started chest compression. We were a bit relaxed. We need not press anymore. 

LUCAS? I was amazed to read that it’s the auto-compression machine invented at Lund university.  Its complete form is Lund University Cardiopulmonary Assist System (LUCAS). 

It is the first time I have seen such a machine that assists in cardiac chest compression.  

Here is more information on this device:

The patient was shifted to the cath lab, and emergency interventions were carried out. Pat is on a ventilator with the hope of life.

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